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Every person is a sales person. Whenever we are talking to our family, friends, associates & acquaintances, we are selling.
A sentence describing a company's function, markets and competitive advantages; a short written statement of your business goals and philosophies. A mission statement defines what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being.
We will be providing the best quality products with earning benefit to our customers. We also have to keep up with the latest developments.
A vision is a vivid mental image of what you want your business to be at some point in the future, based on your goals and aspirations. Having a vision will give your business a clear focus, and can stop you heading in the wrong direction.
At this time of price hiking in India, we do not get a hike in income. Every month-end we struggle to meet our expenses. Here everyone can take part in and purchase whatever they are doing usually and can have earning too while shopping!
"The term client is derived from Latin clientem or clinare meaning "to incline" or "to bend", and is related to the emotive idea of closure."
jone doe Social Group